A Bed of Clouds


A Bed of Clouds is a animated short film made by Dominic Lutz, Mathias Huber, Joel Hoffmann and myself in the “Projekt Modul” workshop experimental story-telling at the Lucerne University of applied sciences and arts (Design and fine Arts), 2013.

During six weeks in the first study year, we had this workshop while we experimented different forms of story-telling. We weren’t only animation students: the “Project Moduls” mixes up students of different art department as textildesign, fine arts, graphic design etc.

To realise this short film, Mathias Huber, Dominic Lutz, Joel Hoffmann and me had taken a poem of Ashley L. May. Everyone of us became a sentence to illustrate the half of the poem. To illustrate the other half, we became the last frame of the part before our part and the first frame of the part after our part, to make a inbetween movie in order to combine every part of the movie together. The result is this movie made of heterogenous animation techniques and designs.